I decided to attend the Fashion Denver Market Splash (all the pics put up are from their website)last Saturday July 11th, but had to wait to post this blog until they put up the pictures. Anyways I am now an intern for Mona Lucero, a local Denver designer and I feel compelled to saturate myself with the Denver fashion scene, because if I realize I really enjoy fashion, non hobby type, then I will pursue a job in it. Ideally being a PR, like Whitney on the City, for Oscar de la Renta. That would be ideal. UGH! So I am beginning to learn what I need to about the industry.
Back to Fashion Denver: Most of the looks are "Denver" looks though there were some looks that I most definitely would rock (see pics above), and I bought 2 dresses from the market, I like to support local artists. So anyways 3 people stood out to me while at the showcase. The first is a young designer her fashion name is Rae Marie. Her stuff is beautiful she has a talent and I was so happy to be able to speak to her and tell her "You are very talented." Second was Lourdes Rios she is an already established designer that sells in boutiques around the US. However her stuff was impecable and to see the stuff and say "That is such a Pam dress" love it! Then there was a girl named Baily Rose. She recycles fabrics and other material that can be reused. I bought a dress that she created out of 2 scarves, the colors are rich and just cool, the plus of her designs is that I can convert the dress into whatever I want. I did it with my back out and as a halter. Very cool. (I will post pics of the things I wore in my next blog on my sense of style versus what I want to interpret in the fashion industry.). Anyways I liked Fashion Denver and will be visiting their site in the very near future. The designers featured above are Rae Marie, Chasing Rainbows, Lourdes Rios and looks that were not attributed to the proper designer, I'm apologize for that. Have a wonderful week and look for my next update. Love! Pam
So it has been a while since I wrote a blog. So the last one was in response to the death of MJ and reflections on the loss of my Grandmother. Life has not gotten better since then, the Bishop of the church I went to for a billion years passed away yesterday afternoon. This is hard because he was very kind and supportive of me. Always saying a kind word and praying for me during my time at school, in NY and moving to Denver. It sucks because I can't be there to offer condolences to the family but I did send my love via Facebook, so the message will get across some how.
In other news I took a nice trip to Walmart today. Very fun very exciting. My shower curtain, well the lining, was very much in need of being replaced so I went and picked a liner up and then some essentials, lotion, toothbrush holder, disinfectant wipes for the apartment, makeup brushes, just what I need. I feel productive today, I completed a report for my job and sent it off to my boss, and I am now, well not at the moment, writing my paper for my philosophy class. This is what brings me to my topic for this posting. The paper topic is on morality amongst religious individuals and does basic morality exist amongst individuals who call themselves "Christians, Muslims, Hindus?" Now the individuals that I am citing for my paper argue no! Instead morality is negated by religion. We focus too much on the supernatural other that we don't realize we are being jerks to our fellow man. I using Nietzsche and Hume to present this argument.
Now I do agree and yet I disagree with this argument. If you would have asked me a few years ago, with some really terrible experiences with religious people I would have screamed "Nietzsche and Hume you are so right!" However now I have had a change of heart. You see being ecumenical allows you so explore the different ways individuals worship the divine (God). I have always believed that one should honor God with their life. Part of that is honoring one another, that is why I take a firm stand against judgment. Who am I to judge I make mistakes all the time now I must emphasize I love Jesus. He is awesome and wonderful and without whom life would suck, however hate in his name is just ridiculous. Now I understand that love is very complicated and intricate. However I am not God and so any judgment should not be passed just because I do not understand the way someone lives. My role on this planet is to love. Now questions like "Do you love a serial killer?" "Do you love a child molestor?" I answer first off what a prick question and second there is a difference in love, judgment and knowing right from wrong therefore "love" for someone that hurts other is relative and subjective, you see I believe that there are key human ethics we are suppose to live by, rape, murder, hate, thievery etc. are just common sense unethical, it puts our world into chaos. Now do I think that every moral person is also a religious person or do I think every religious person is moral. The answer is no. We all know there are religious individuals that are mean, hateful, malicious and just ridiculous we know that there are some non-religious individuals that are the inverse of the qualities I listed above.
Do I believe that having this relationship with Christ and being in communion with other believers has changed my life yes. Would I like for others to experience this, yes! However I will not force it upon them. I see it like this, the relationship between God and I is complex, it is difficult to explain, it is like falling in love. No one can really tell you how you will feel when it happens, when it does it is amazing but you have to be willing and open. That is the key willing and open. We can't always hope for a mystical experience or Jesus coming to us like he did for Thomas, no we have to be ready and expectant. However while that is happening there are basic human things that should be happening. Like caring for one another, being kind, loving and an example of these things all the time.
It is hard but everyday I am trying. I think the biggest sin is to hate and mask it as religion. Not a good look. Well that is all. Here is 1 Corinthians 13:1-7, enjoy!
After 6 months of interning with local Denver fashion designer Mona Lucero, I have decided that I will be pursuing a career in fashion. This blog will document my lookbook, trend reports and attempts at fashion editing at it's finest. Enjoy!