While one is the reason for me existing, since if she hadn't made my mom I wouldn't be here and the other is the reason for me to actually enjoy music and see past the hype they have both influenced me in such an extreme way. It sucks to have to write a blog about people that are amazing. My Grandma Rosemary and Michael Jackson have passed on.
Rosemary Dornners Neal was born on January 9, 1937. Amazing funny, smart, beautiful, stylish and a God seeking/fearing woman leaves a legacy of being honest and being a good friend.
Michael Jackson was born on August 29, 1958. He was/is the most influential pop star. Thriller is still the number one selling album of all time. He leaves a legacy of endurance and music.
I am sad to have in a months time lost two very influential people. My Grandma is apart of me forever. She was a no holds bar woman that told it like it is. She was upfront and honest and to me that is so much more important then being timid and "nice." People will remember her for being able to give sound advice that would not fall on deaf ears I love you Grandma.
Michael Jackson is my favorite artist of all time. When I listened to all of Off the Wall I actually cried. The entire album is beautiful, funny enough Michael was shocked that Thriller did better than Off the Wall and I can understand why. No matter what people say about him you can not deny his talent. My favorite song of course is Rock With You. When I dance and sing to it it puts me in a place that is just wonderful. However I can't help it is amazing. I know many will mourn this loss. And I will also. I am happy that I have memories for both of these very influential beautiful people. I pray for the Jackson family, friends and fans. This is very hard but we will pull through. So here is I can't help it...