So today is my birthday. I am 26 (twenty-six) years old. It is weird for multiple reasons. 1) I don't look my age at all and so the aging process has not hit me that I am 4 years away from 30. 2) 25 was kind of a crappy time for me. I broke up with my boyfriend, one of my classes sucked (the prof was a jerk) and my Grandmother died. 3) When I think about what I wanted to be or be doing at this age it is not it. Originally I was going to be a pediatric surgeon, marry Kent Gough and have kids by the age of 26, now this was when I was 16-17. Wow has life changed. Kent Who? #1 and I realize I am not mature enough to be someone's wife. However it is weird because I feel satisfied and terrified with my life. As I told you, I am looking at pursuing a career in fashion, be it a stylist, public relations, merchandiser or a buyer, I think I should really figure out (just a little) what I want to do with my life. So when people ask me what I do I say I am a student and then I explain that I am a research assistant. However this journey into academics has provided me with some tasty food for thought. I don't know if I want to be an academic. I am passionate about helping people, I have always wanted to "make a difference" in this space time continuum I inhabit. However I realized, after doing a year of service, that unfortunately even if you have all the good intentions to help make the world a better place, if it is not your calling then don't do it. IT is not worth losing your peace of mind just so you can prove you are a kind giving individual. I also had the opportunity to speak with a woman who is a travel writer for Lonely Planet, and I presented to her my dilemma. She said I could probably still do a world of good if I decide to follow my passion.
Now as I write this things pop in my head. 1) I give my time at church and do enjoy volunteering. 2) I think I will be a better human being if I follow my passions. I won't be grumpy or testy in particular situations. I do know that I am proud that I am being proactive in this situation. Example? Why yes! I asked my friend Misun to ask her friend Mona if she would be willing to speak to me and possibly work with her, you see Mona is a Denver designer and boutique owner. So I thought about it and prayed and decided to write Mona an email. Unfortunately Grandma passed away so my focus changed. But I did have sometime when I was in Nashville I wrote her an email(I feel I already wrote about this, but whatever). So after writing her and having my sisters proof it, and my sister Danielle, who is also a designer, I sent it to her and we are going to set up a time to meet next week.
So maybe 26 won't be so bad! I explained to her that I want to see the business aspects of fashion, I really want to have experience in all aspects, from fashion shows to merchandising in the store. I think I sold myself very well and now I have the possibility of working in fashion and being able to build my resume. I am so excited. Now back to my birthday! I am perplexed on what to do! I have no idea. I think I will call my friends and see if they want to go to dinner. That would be nice. Now what restaurant? Hmm... I feel birthdays are wonderful times to spend with friends and family. And since my friends become family I feel it would be a nice thing to hang with some of them. Well that is all. Happy Birthday to ME!
Love you all!
Here is Stevie Wonder's Happy Birthday!
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